FCRSC Specialty 2024

Specialty Weekend Conformation Events

Friday, August 30
FCRSC Sweepstakes – Puppy, Veteran  & Gundog
Judge:  David Bellamy


Halifax Kennel Club – All Breed Show – FCRSC Booster

FCRSC Annual General Meeting – at show site – |mmediately following Sweepstakes                

Saturday, August 31
FCRSC Specialty – All Dog classes including Winners Dog & Reserve Winners Dog, Veteran Dogs and Field Dogs   Judge:  Roslyn Bellamy
FCRSC Specialty – All Bitch classes including Winners Bitch & Reserve Winners Bitch, Veteran Bitch and Field Bitch, Specials and Unofficial Classes   Judge:  Roslyn Bellamy


Halifax Kennel Club – All Breed Show

FCRSC Specialty Dinner – 6:30 pm – Quality Inn   Please complete hospitality form at the above link – even if you are not attending the dinner!

Sunday, September 1
Halifax Kennel Club – 2 All Breed Shows
Specialty Field Event – see below         

Specialty Field Events - Hunt Test
Sunday, September 1 and Monday, September 2

This year’s field event is a Hunt Test conducted by the Eastern Flyways Hunting Retriever Club (EFHRC).  

The CKC Hunt Test program does not require completion of the entry level titles in order to compete at higher levels.  So if you think your dog might be ready, try your hand at the Senior or Master level.  The rule book for each level can be found here.